Reach out to us so we can help you to find the perfect place to call HOME


Leasing Office

9501 Northeast 19th Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98665
Phone:  (360) 443-5328

Office Hours

Mon - Sat: By Appointment Only
Sun: Closed 
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Please continue."); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", cache: false, timeout: timeoutValue, url: "CMSSiteManager/Callback.aspx?act=set_contact", data: o, success: function (json) { if (json.ErrorNumber) { formSuccess = false; $("#widget_contact_us_2 .btn-txt2").html('Error Submitting!'); } else { try { ga('set', { 'dimension15': json.LeaseStarLeadId }); if (json.Lead2LeaseLeadId != 0) ga('set', { 'dimension17': json.Lead2LeaseLeadId }); f_analyticsSendEvent('Contact', 'Information Request', 'Thank you'); ga('set', { 'dimension15': null, 'dimension17': null }); } catch (e) { } try { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Contact', 'Information Request', 'Thank you',, false]); } catch (e) { } if (successScreen == '') { var msg = $('.pnlMessage').html(); $("#widget_contact_us_2 #cu_2_body").html(''); } else, '_self'); } return false; }, beforeSend: function (json) { formSuccess = true; $("#widget_contact_us_2 .btn-txt2").html('Sending ...'); $("#widget_contact_us_2 .cu-2-submit").attr('style', 'background-color:lightgray;'); }, error: function (e) { $("#widget_contact_us_2 .btn-txt2").html('Error Submitting!'); formSuccess = false; } }); } } function f_afterDataLoad() { handle_contact_us(); if (internationalProperty == 'true') $("#widget_contact_us_2 #movedate").datepicker({ format: "dd-mm-yyyy", startDate: new Date() }); else $("#widget_contact_us_2 #movedate").datepicker({ format: "mm-dd-yyyy",startDate: new Date() }); $("#widget_contact_us_2 .cu-2-submit").click(function () { if (formSuccess == true) { return false; } if (validateme()) { sendContactV1(); } }); if (defaultSource == 0) $('#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource').val(''); else if (defaultSource) $('#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource').val(defaultSource); else if ($("#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains('Property web site')").length > 0) $('#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains("Property web site")').prop('selected', true); else if ($("#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains('Website')").length > 0) $('#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains("Website")').prop('selected', true); else if ($("#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains('website')").length > 0) $('#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains("website")').prop('selected', true); else if ($("#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains('Web Site')").length > 0) $('#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains("Web Site")').prop('selected', true); else if ($("#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains('web site')").length > 0) $('#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource option:contains("web site")').prop('selected', true); if (disableReferralTracking.toLowerCase() != 'true' && matchedSourceId) { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #usersource').val(matchedSourceId); $('#widget_contact_us_2 .usersources').hide(); } if (hideContactRefer.toLowerCase() == 'true') $('#widget_contact_us_2 .usersources').hide(); if (commentPlaceHolderText) { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').val(commentPlaceHolderText); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').addClass('empty'); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').focus(function () { if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').val() == commentPlaceHolderText) { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').val(''); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').removeClass('empty'); } }); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').blur(function () { if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').val() == '') { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').val(commentPlaceHolderText); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #msg').addClass('empty'); } }); } $('#internationalPhone').on("keyup", function () { var value = $(this).val(); var regex1 = /[^[0-9 +]]*/gi; var regex2 = /[^[0-9]]*/gi; var newValue = value.substring(0, 1).replace(regex1, '') + value.substring(1).replace(regex2, ''); $('#internationalPhone').val(newValue); }); } function isset(object) { var def = true; if (object == undefined) { def = false; } return def; } function handle_contact_us() { //src = $rpdata.thumbnail.replace('%s', '400x50'); $moveDate = realpage_blocks_movedate(); $img = '/sites/all/modules/custom/realpage_blocks/realpage_blocks_cu_2/images/contactus.jpg'; $addy1 = isset($rpdata.address.address1) ? $rpdata.address.address1 : ""; $addy2 = isset($rpdata.address.address2) ? $rpdata.address.address2 : ""; $sc = isset($rpdata.address.statecode) ? $rpdata.address.statecode : ""; $city = isset($rpdata.address.cityname) ? $rpdata.address.cityname : ""; $post = isset($rpdata.address.postalcode) ? $rpdata.address.postalcode : ""; $phone = isset($rpdata.phoneNumber) ? "Leasing: " + $rpdata.phoneNumber + "
" : ""; $email = isset($ ? "Email: Click here" : ""; $address = $addy1; $htmladdress = $addy1; if (isset($addy2)) { $address += " " + $addy2; $htmladdress += "
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' + '
' + '

If you have any questions, please let us know in the "comments" box below.

' + '
' + '' + $contactform + '
* Required Information
' + ' ' + '
' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
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    '; $chavePets = (hideHavePets != hideFlag) ? '
    Do you (or will you) have pets?
    ' + '
    ' : ""; $cpreferedCtc = (hidePreferedCtc != hideFlag) ? '
    Contact me by:
    ' + '
    ' : ""; $cdayOfWeek = (hideDayOfWeek != hideFlag) ? '
    ' : ""; $cunitType = ""; $bathRooms = 0; $bedRooms = 0; if (hideUnitType != hideFlag) { $cunitType = '
    ' + '
    '; } else $cunitType = ""; } var reasonsArray = listofReasons.split('|'); $reason = (hideReason == hideFlag || listofReasons == '') ? "" : '
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    ' + '
    ' + '' + '' + '
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    ' + '
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  • Last name is required
  • '; } else { f.css('borderColor', ''); f.removeAttr("aria-invalid"); } } catch (e) { } try { f = $('#widget_contact_us_2 #movedate'); if (f.val() == '') { f.css('borderColor', 'red'); f.attr("aria-invalid", "true"); if (!foxusset) { f.focus(); foxusset = true; } errorList += '
  • Move-in date is required
  • '; } else { f.css('borderColor', ''); f.removeAttr("aria-invalid"); } } catch (e) { } if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').length > 0) { if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').val() == '' || $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').val() == '' || $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').val() == '' || $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').val().length != 3 || $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').val().length != 3 || $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').val().length != 4) { errorList += '
  • Valid phone number is required
  • '; } if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').val() == '' || $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').val().length != 3) { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #cu_2_error_phone_and_email').css('display', 'block'); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').css('borderColor', 'red'); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').attr("aria-invalid", "true"); } else { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').css('borderColor', ''); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone1').removeAttr("aria-invalid"); } } if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').length > 0) { if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').val() == '' || $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').val().length != 3) { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #cu_2_error_phone_and_email').css('display', 'block'); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').css('borderColor', 'red'); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').attr("aria-invalid", "true"); } else { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').css('borderColor', ''); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone2').removeAttr("aria-invalid"); } } if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').length > 0) { if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').val() == '' || $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').val().length != 4) { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #cu_2_error_phone_and_email').css('display', 'block'); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').css('borderColor', 'red'); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').attr("aria-invalid", "true"); } else { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').css('borderColor', ''); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #dayPhone3').removeAttr("aria-invalid"); } } try { f = $('#widget_contact_us_2 #email'); if (f.val() == '' || reg.test(f.val()) == false) { f.css('borderColor', 'red'); f.attr("aria-invalid", "true"); if (!foxusset) { f.focus(); foxusset = true; } errorList += '
  • Valid email address is required
  • '; } else { f.css('borderColor', ''); f.removeAttr("aria-invalid"); } } catch (e) { } if ($('#widget_contact_us_2 #movedate').val() != '') { var today = f_todayYYYYMMDD(); var splits = $('#widget_contact_us_2 #movedate').val().split('-'); splits[0] = (splits[0].length == 1) ? '0' + splits[0] : splits[0]; splits[1] = (splits[1].length == 1) ? '0' + splits[1] : splits[1]; var moveInDate = splits[2] + '-' + splits[0] + '-' + splits[1]; if (moveInDate Move-in date cannot be in the past.'; } else { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #movedate').css('borderColor', ''); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #movedate').removeAttr("aria-invalid"); } } if (errorList != "") { $('#widget_contact_us_2 #cu_2_error_list').append(errorList); $('#widget_contact_us_2 #cu_2_error_list li').first().attr("role", "alert"); document.getElementById('cu_2_error').style.display = 'block'; return false; } return true; } function f_todayYYYYMMDD() { var today = new Date(); var dd = today.getDate(); var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); return yyyy + '-' + (mm

    Ready to tour? We can't wait to meet you.  Fill out your information and we will reach out to you to set up your personal tour and show you what Alderbrook has to offer.  

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